Pie in the Sky Results!

Thank you to all the pie bakers in the Maberly and area. We asked and you did not disappoint - we had approximately 100 pies available for sale.

We opened at 8 am so that our bakers could bring in their pies and sales were to run from 9am until noon. But we were sold out by 9 am. There were so many customers our bakers didn't even get their pies to the booth before they were gone.

People showing up at 9 am had to wait until more bakers brought their pies in. One dear sweet lady brought pies in and realized there was such a demand she went directly home and baked us some more plus butter tarts. We sold out for a second time and closed up shop by 11am.

We apologize for not being open the full advertised time, but without product there was nothing we could do. We are going to have to rethink our strategy for next year. We sold approx. 93 pies plus butter tarts.

Once again I thank all the bakers in the Maberly and surrounding area. Maberly Ag. Society/Maberly Fair thanks you from the bottom of our hearts. We had a good day. Even our sky co-operated and we had sunshine. Thank you


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