AGM Highlights
The Annual General Meeting of the Maberly Agricultural Society was held at 7:00 pm January 17th, 2022 on zoom. President Bill Cameron congratulated everyone’s positivity over the past couple years and on the success of the beef club showing and horse draw in 2021.
We are really going to try and put on a 2022 fair and therefore are looking for volunteers so if you are considering joining a community group we do hope you consider the Maberly Fair. Also any young person needing volunteer hours we would be glad to have you volunteer with our organization. Over the past couple of years we have lost some big volunteers within our community and need to fill those empty spots. If we wish to remain viable we need some new people with new ideas.
2022 Fair is a go with a blacksmith and a psychic already booked.
One change you will notice is that there will be no parade. It was felt by board members that there was not enough participation from people to sponsor a parade. We will consider it again at next year’s annual meeting so if you wish the parade to continue please contact us with your viewpoints.
Also if anyone has any ideas as to new children’s activities please let us know so that we can get more of our youth involved. One local youth Makayla Parks has a drone and did an aerial view of the fair. This is the kind of youth we need.